The SAE-A Came to APV-T On Thursday Evening

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On Thursday 19th September 50 visitors from the Society of Automotive Engineers Australasia (SAE-A) came to APV-T as a part of a series of industry visits run by the SAE-A designed to help broaden the depth of knowledge and engagement of members in the Australasian Automotive Engineering sector.

The visitors, who were mostly engineers but included some children, were treated to a range of presentations and a tour of the APV-T Test Centre.

Slow-motion videos of car crashes, bus seat testing, wheelchair restraint testing and up-close encounters with our family of crash test dummies and the associated acquisition equipment were combined with live demonstrations of airbag deployments, environmental testing, and a 50km/h child seat dynamic test.

All of these elements made up an engaging demonstration of APV-T’s commitment to mobility safety and our contribution to Australia’s National Road Safety Strategy.

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